Light-A-Light for Children

Bankplus Presents light-a-light

Inspired by patients and families who spend their holidays in the hospital, Light-A-Light makes the Christmas season a little brighter for Mississippi kids. Show your appreciation to friends, teachers, coworkers, or employees by purchasing a light in memory or in honor of the special people in your life.

For questions or help with purchasing lights, contact Lee Catherine Hodges at 601-936-0034 or!

Mailed forms should be sent to: Friends of Children’s Hospital 200 Park Circle Drive, Ste 2A Flowood, MS 39232. Emailed forms should be sent to

What type of Light-A-Light card would you like to send? Actions
Make an additional donation to your Light-A-Light cards.
Credit Card
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date
Addie Hamm

Your Support in Action

Addie Hamm

Eight-year-old Addie Hamm has undergone more tests and procedures than most people experience in a lifetime, and perhaps, that is why she wants to one day become a scientist.